Danbury Connecticut Caterers
Free referrals to local Danbury catering companies and caterers. Browse this page below for excellent caterers for weddings, corporate events and parties. They feature everything from casual catering, buffet catering, plated meals and anything else you wish to dream up for your event.
For commercial or corporate events you may also call us at 1-800-232-6874 ext 7 (commercial only)
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We have over 25 years in the events industry. Thousands of people use this website every day.
Our caterers can do anything from American food to International foods for weddings, parties, corporate events, to picnics.
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Approximate prices for Caterers - General
- 8.00-20/per person in small towns and rural areas 25-50-95/per person in larger metro areas These are just estimated prices.Scroll down for business listings
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We have over 25 years in the events industry. Thousands of people use this website every day.
Bartenders Express
ContactCaterers - General - Danbury Connecticut
We offer the client full flexibility to choose a plan which best fits their budget constraints.
The Perfect Affair, Inc.
ContactCaterers - General - Danbury Connecticut
We are a one stop shop for all of your wedding and event planning needs. From the save the date and the flower, from the catering to the honeymoon we have divisions that handle it all.
Michaels Staffing Service
ContactCaterers - General - Danbury Connecticut
Servers, Bartenders and Chefs. We are working owners who provide exceptional people, professional services. We rent Island Oasis frozen drink machines and all natural frozen drink mixes. FULLY INSURED. We accept Visa/MC
Clambakes Of CT
ContactCaterers - General - Danbury Connecticut
On site clambakes, BBQ and cookouts. Any occasion or location.
Norwalk Inn & Conference Center
ContactCaterers - General - Danbury Connecticut
Newly-renovated, The Norwalk Inn features a magnificent ballroom with granite floors, crystal chandelier lights,and raised convex ceilings. Our 71 beautifully-appointed guest rooms include complimentary honeymoon suites and an array of amenities, while our grounds contain a patio, courtyard areas, and an in-ground pool. Add the attentive personal service...more (click above)
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We have over 25 years in the events industry. Thousands of people use this website every day.
Walsh Catering
ContactCaterers - General - Danbury Connecticut
A Unique Full Service catering Company. Walsh catering is a family owned and operated catering company servicing the community for the past 20 years. Choose from a variety of our freshly prepared appetizers, salads, homemade entrees and creative sandwiches. We will work with you to create a customized menu designed to suit all your needs and budget.
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We have over 25 years in the events industry. Thousands of people use this website every day.
Approximate prices for Caterers - General
- 8.00-20/per person in small towns and rural areas 25-50-95/per person in larger metro areas These are just estimated prices.Easily find local Danbury Connecticut Catering CT
Easily Request Quotes from local catering and wedding catering companies, caterers back to you by email or phone. Click the request quotes button above and your catering request is out to local vendors in 5 minutes.
Large events over 300 people please call us at 1-800-232-6874 ext 7
Caterers - General Danbury, Connecticut
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