The Perfect Affair, Inc. | | Caterers - General

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The Perfect Affair, Inc.

Caterers - General

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We are a one stop shop for all of your wedding and event planning needs. From the save the date and the flower, from the catering to the honeymoon we have divisions that handle it all.
About: the company has been working with clients to plan unique and successful events since 1985. We added the catering and travel division 5 years ago.
typically we charge about 20% of the total budget - depending on the specfic items and services that clients are looking for

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Home > Experience
the company has been working with clients to plan unique and successful events since 1985. We added the catering and travel division 5 years ago.

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We are a one stop shop for all of your wedding and event planning needs. From the save the date and the flower, from the catering to the honeymoon we have divisions that handle it all.