Caissa Creative | Miami Florida |

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With a database with over 700 vendors and suppliers worldwide paired with a well-connected team, C A I S S A C R E A T I V E can give you access to products, services, and unique ideas that can satisfy most budgets and style. Unlike many of our competitors, we use our client's vision and develop it so that each project has a personality of its own with transparency throughout the process.

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Caissa Creative

bridal planner
Catering Services-personal chef services
decor services-decorators and decorating services
fashion services-Consulting
fashion services-Wardrobe Services
health services-Hair and Makeup
invitations services-discount wedding
invitations services-Unique
invitations services-wedding
Speaker-Event Planning
Speaker-Real Estate
transportation services-Sports
wedding planner

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7 yrs as a personal high profile event planner.

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