MAgic of Curtis | | Magicians
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MAgic of Curtis
- Show all products/services availableMaster Escape Artist and Magician Curtis Eugene Lovell II has challenged magician David Blaine and psychic John Edward's to public duels for his up-coming television show. In 2006, Lovell cut Paris Hilton in half for The Simple Life show on E Entertainment. He has also traveled the world performing for adults and children. His smile, magic, and his comedy will be a hit with any group.... FUN FOR ALL AGES and EVENTS
About: Been perofromg magic for every ten years
Great with adults
Amze children
Can teach magic
High engery
Made CEO's disappear
INternation Performance...
One of the best in the business
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solo act-Magician
solo act-Trade Show Magician
Stage Show-Illusionist Escape Artist
Stage Show-Magician all products and services available (click here)
Home > Experience
Been perofromg magic for every ten years Great with adults Amze children Can teach magic High engery Made CEO's disappear INternation Performance... One of the best in the business

A very upbeat high energery performance. Comic Magic, Sleight of hand, Mind Reading, visual magic, Stand up magic, or Grand illusions. With over ten years experience in the entertainment industry I can tailor my performance around your needs. I have many talents... You can recieve a FREE media kit upon any request.