king's ransom | | One man bands

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king's ransom

One man bands

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p.a. system, 24 ch mixer, over 10000watts, 4-18' subs, 4-dual 15' subs, 4-full range 15'+horn, up to 6 monitors w/two monitor mixes. smaller systems and lighting also available. also available: 3pc. modern and classic rock band for festivals or night club
About: 25 years as a performer. 15 years as a sound technician, attended audio recording technology institute in farmingdale n.y.
pa rentals roughly $1000 per day for large system depending on distance, smaller systems also available.

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25 years as a performer. 15 years as a sound technician, attended audio recording technology institute in farmingdale n.y.

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p.a. system, 24 ch mixer, over 10000watts, 4-18- subs, 4-dual 15- subs, 4-full range 15-+horn, up to 6 monitors w/two monitor mixes. smaller systems and lighting also available. also available: 3pc. modern and classic rock band for festivals or night clubs, and solo acoustic act performing classic and modern rock.