DayStar Lasers International | | Movie Special Effects

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DayStar Lasers International

Movie Special Effects

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DayStar Lasers is an award-winning, full-service laser show production company focused on Corporate / Special Events and 'Lasertising' for Tradeshows or Outdoor. Since 1993, our creativity has been blowing Minds, not budgets, with spectacular shows and immersive installations Worldwide.
About: DayStar Lasers International has been enchanting audiences with the magic of Laser Light, Worldwide, since 1993.

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DayStar Lasers International has been enchanting audiences with the magic of Laser Light, Worldwide, since 1993.

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DayStar Lasers is an award-winning, full-service laser show production company focused on Corporate, Sporting & Special Events, Live Concerts & Album-Release Events, SFX for Theater, Film or TV, and 'Lasertising' for Tradeshows or Outdoor. Since 1993, we've been blowing Minds, not budgets, with Spectacular Shows and Immersive Installs and Systems, Worldwide. Call or email us today to get a competitive quote for your next Event, and lets plan to 'EnLighten Your Audience', together!