Hot Jazz 7 | Solon Ohio | dixieland bands
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Hot Jazz 7
dixieland bands
- Show all products/services availableThis is the only 2-cornet Dixieland Band in northeast Ohio. It plays exciting New Orleans Jazz in the style of Louis Armstrong and Joe 'King' Oliver. This is energetic danceable music for indoors and out. More information at (website) slash hotjazz7.
About: The Hot Jazz 7 formed in 1995 and has been playing concerts, clubs, restaurants, municipal events, weddings, Mardi Gras, etc since then, throughout the Greater Cleveland area.
$500 short municipal concert close to home, to $2000 major jazz festival or commercial event at distance.
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The Hot Jazz 7 formed in 1995 and has been playing concerts, clubs, restaurants, municipal events, weddings, Mardi Gras, etc since then, throughout the Greater Cleveland area.
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This is the only 2-cornet Dixieland Band in northeast Ohio. It plays exciting New Orleans Jazz in the style of Louis Armstrong and Joe 'King' Oliver. This is energetic danceable music for indoors and out. More information at slash hotjazz7.