The American BBQ Co. | | Caterers - General

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The American BBQ Co.

Caterers - General

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With over 14 years experience The American BBQ Co. is New Jersey's leader in BBQ catering. We use only grade -A- products, cooked fresh on site. Our events are staffed by a mature, knowledgeable crew who will go to any length to make the customer happy.
About: We have been in business for just over 14 years.
Prices range from $9.50 up, depending on the menu and the number of guests

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We have been in business for just over 14 years.

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With over 14 years experience The American BBQ Co. is New Jersey's leader in BBQ catering. We use only grade -A- products, cooked fresh on site. Our events are staffed by a mature, knowledgeable crew who will go to any length to make the customer happy.