A Just-Rite DJ Service | | Latin Ceremony Musicians

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A Just-Rite DJ Service

Latin Ceremony Musicians

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Ihave been singing and playing for over 40 years and still love it. I have the ability to adapt my shows to fit various situations and atmospheres.If people hire me to perform and DJ they get both for a reasonable price. We pride our bussiness on integrity! Cheers Gabie(Yes it's my real name!)
About: I began playing guitar with my father in the late fifties. I had a garage band and played teen dances in the early sixties. I played on the road in rock and show bands in the seventies and eighties. I have been playing the St Louis area ever since.
125 for the first hour 50 for each additional hour plus travel if over one hour from home

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I began playing guitar with my father in the late fifties. I had a garage band and played teen dances in the early sixties. I played on the road in rock and show bands in the seventies and eighties. I have been playing the St Louis area ever since.

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Ihave been singing and playing for over 40 years and still love it. I have the ability to adapt my shows to fit various situations and atmospheres.If people hire me to perform and DJ they get both for a reasonable price. We pride our bussiness on integrity! Cheers Gabie(Yes it's my real name!)