Tracy Repchuk | | Motivational Speakers

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Tracy Repchuk

Motivational Speakers

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Best selling author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles, Internationa speaker (UK, AU, NZ, Canada, USA, Malaysia, KL, Thailand, Singapore) and motivator. Award winning internet marketer, coach and mentor. 2009 Top 10 Internet Marketing Women of the Year by Legendary Marketers series 2009 Feminine Leader at International Amazing Women's Day 2008 Stevie Award Finalist for Mentor of the Year 2007 New Internet Marketing Success Entrepreneur since 1985 Mom to 3 kids. asktr
About: Been an entrepreneur since 1985, started my first company at the age of 19, was called a Whiz kid by the press and media. Continued this trend to my speaking, authoring and internet marketing endeavors today.
Free - if this is a platform speaking engagement (ie. I can sell from the stage) Free - If you can trade the purchase of my books or other materials in exchange for speaking - $10,000 exchange - ie. some people can do education and buy books but not a speaker. We can give a book to everyone. $5000 - Keynote $15000 - 90 minute presentation Money Back Guarantee - you don't think you got that value's worth, I will refund. Prices above do not include travel and hotel.

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Been an entrepreneur since 1985, started my first company at the age of 19, was called a Whiz kid by the press and media. Continued this trend to my speaking, authoring and internet marketing endeavors today.

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