Hilton Garden Inn, Bridgewater | | Caterers - General

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Hilton Garden Inn, Bridgewater

Caterers - General

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Our Hotel is located in Central Jersey close to all major highways. Hotel is 3 years old, has 129 sleeping rooms, indoor pool and 2 courtyard areas for outdoor functions.
About: property is 3 years old and have onsite chef. Can customize any menu.
Menus to fit all budgets. Can customize menu to meet your budget

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Catering Services-beverage services alcohol
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facility standard-hall or event venue
facility standard-hotel
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property is 3 years old and have onsite chef. Can customize any menu.

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Our Hotel is located in Central Jersey close to all major highways. Hotel is 3 years old, has 129 sleeping rooms, indoor pool and 2 courtyard areas for outdoor functions.