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Primal Marketing
Business Speakers
- Show all products/services availableMy name is Rodger B. Price, President of Primal Marketing. I speak to associations of business owners and entrepreneurs who desire a simple but powerful system to attract great clients and compel long-term loyalty. I developed the Primal Marketing system from more than two decades as a business owner and doubled my sales and increased profits by 500% using it. Other programs include: Primal Sales, Primal Customer Service and Primal Branding.
About: 10 years as a professional speaker
Over 25 years as a business owner
2,500 - 55,00
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10 years as a professional speaker Over 25 years as a business owner

I speak to business-relted groups of business owners who want a simple system to attract great customers and create long-term loyalty. Using the secrets of Primal Marketing�, I doubled my company's sales and increased profits by 500%. I have been a successful business owner for more than twenty years and have learned myexperiences in the trenches. I understand the needs and challenges of today's business owners because I have lived them. In my interactive, high content programs, I share tools and techniques that businesses can apply today. Participants leave motivated, energized and ready to blow their profits through the roof.