MDB 2000 bugs...fixes...etc...
If your trial expires earlier than
30 days when you crossed the January 1, 1998 date. This will fix
that bug/error.This will also fix errors when doing registration
#'s with Client names that include a comma in them.
Just click on this file musicdb.exe (or right-click
and save as file) and save it where you have your current
installation of MDB2000 which is usually in the "c:\program
files\mdb2000" folder (you can use
"Find" on your win 95 computer or filemanager on
windows 3.x to find the program titled musicdb.exe on your hard
drive). When your computer says replace the file...just click on
YES and that should fix your Jan 1 1998 trial expiration date
New Report Revisions for
users of over 1.61 version thru current version
(copy these to where your mdb2000 folder/directory is located and
no install program needed)
Just right-click or however you save files as on the links below
dbl clicking on the files below may not work to save them...
New BPM 2 column report Posted on Jan 7 1998
New BPM 3 column report Posted on Jan 7 1998
support can be called on our priority line
at ACCSI/All Time Favorites 612-741-2688 9am to 8pm CST USA