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Kosher Caterers
15-25/per person in small/rural areas and 30-100/person in larger metro areas.

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Our Mission Statement:
For over 30 years, our mission has been to provide a "One Source For All Your Event Planning Needs" type of resource connecting clients to almost anything they need in the events and hospitality industry, with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, mom & pop and other small businesses.

Wow! Read about the experience we have!

Member ID# 53999 : In 2007 I started out with my event staffing company in Los Angeles just providing Servers and Bartenders. All of my clients kept asking me "Why don't you also do the food?" I listened to their suggestions and in 2008, Toni's Custom Catering opened. I learned how to cook just by watching my French Mother who grew up in New Orleans. I learned everything about Catering from the ground up. I used to work for other Caterers as a Server before I started my own staffing business.