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Companies that provide Trash Collection and Sanitation Services for corporate, public and private events

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Our Mission Statement:
For over 30 years, our mission has been to provide a "One Source For All Your Event Planning Needs" type of resource connecting clients to almost anything they need in the events and hospitality industry, with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, mom & pop and other small businesses.

Recent requests for
Trash Collection and Sanitation Services

Trash Collection and Sanitation Services
Requests nationwide:

Christian asked for quotes in sacramento California for a Cornhole tournament
Allison asked for quotes in Sacramento California for a Rally
Mike asked for quotes in Tallahassee, Florida for a Commercial Event: OTHER
Bobby asked for quotes in Richmond Virginia for a Commercial Event: Corporate Event
Anna asked for quotes in Washington, DC for a Commercial Event: OTHER
Todd asked for quotes in Laurel, Indiana for a Commercial Event: OTHER
Beth asked for quotes in Downers Grove, IL for a Private Event: Family Reunion
Rick asked for quotes in Indus for a Private Event: Church Event
angelica asked for quotes in Peoria, Arizona for a Private Event: Not listed below: OTHER
Grant asked for quotes in Minneapolis MN for a Commercial Event: NOT LISTED ABOVE
Kevin asked for quotes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a Private Event: Fundraiser
Yolanda asked for quotes in Atlanta, Georgia for a Commercial Event: NOT LISTED ABOVE

Our event planning websites average over 4 million hits a month helping people find what they need quickly.

Our Mission Statement
For over 30 years, our mission has been to provide a "One Source For All Your Event Planning Needs" type of resource connecting clients to almost anything they need in the events and hospitality industry, with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, mom & pop and other small businesses.