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For over 30 years, our mission has been to provide a "One Source For All Your Event Planning Needs" type of resource connecting clients to almost anything they need in the events and hospitality industry, with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, mom & pop and other small businesses.

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Member ID# 53882 : · Cody Joe Hodges was named the 2016 Rising Star for the Country Music Association of Texas · “Getting Back to Country” peaked at #24 on the TRRR Chart, #26 on the Texas Music Charts, and #12 on the International Country Chart · Cody Joe Hodges’ single, “One More Drink”, reached #1 on the International Country Chart, #39 on the New Music Weekly chart, #31 on the TRRR Chart and #32 on the Texas Music Charts · His single, “Roll That Way”, hit #23 on the TRRR chart.

Member ID# 53653 : Dave Young is a professional musician with more than 40 years experience. Dave has been the lead guitar player and vocalist for countless bands in the Valley Of The Sun for all that time. In 2008 Dave began doing a One Man Band Show at the suggestion of one of his recording studio clients. He bought the necessary gear and began playing as a One Man Band but still kept playing in the bands. When the pandemic hit in March of 2000, all live music stopped and Dave had to get a day job because music was his only job before the pandemic. With things slowly getting back to normal, Dave is getting back to what he loves most. Playing music and the One Man Band seems to work best for him. As a One Man Band Dave plays some of the best music from the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and some from the 90’s. He couldn’t do that with the bands because the members didn't know all the songs. Since he is mainly a guitarist he can even throw in some of his favorite guitar instrumentals once in a while. Dave’s set up is quite high tech and lets him sound like the bands whose songs he’s playing. He also uses wireless devices so he can sing and play while interacting with the ...

Member ID# 53560 : Gary has been performing and impressing clients since 14 years old. He is an accomplished musician and a premiere vocalist and entertainer. He'll make your home or business gathering the event of the year.

Member ID# 53196 : Hello, My name is Laura Bonard. I started Life Of The Party LLC in Florida over 15 years ago. We specialize in singing telegrams, party entertainers and entertainment in and around the Tampa Bay Area, including Tampa, Clearwater, St Petersburg, Bradenton, Sarasota, Lakeland, Orlando and Kissimmee. We go approx 75 miles from Tampa. I am very prompt and professional with returning messages for leads. I would love leads for Central Florida. I understand how the system works and hope you and I can work together and make us some $$$. Thank You, Laura Bonard, Owner

Member ID# 53137 : We are a family owned business. We have been in business for over 20 years.

Member ID# 53102 : You can read more about me on the GigMasters.com website. Simply type �Bagpiper� and the name of your "City" to find me. Audio samples are also available on that site.