Event Planning Resources for Weddings, Corporate and special events.

Over 4 million website hits per month.
More than 400,000 clients have used us for finding vendors over 30+ years.

You added Corporate event concert producer to your request for FREE quotes.

Professionals who produce concerts
A few start at 5-10,000 but most are 50,000 and up

This is a FREE quote request form. We save you time by getting your information out to local vendors so they can get you quotes quickly. Only the ones that are available should respond.

CLICK a BLUE box below to continue
Click "Continue Next Step" button if you have all the items selected that you need quotes for.

Our Mission Statement:
For over 30 years, our mission has been to provide a "One Source For All Your Event Planning Needs" type of resource connecting clients to almost anything they need in the events and hospitality industry, with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, mom & pop and other small businesses.

We have had more than 28 requests for quotes for
Concert Producers in many cities.

Concert Producers
Requests nationwide:

Scott asked for quotes in Charlottesville Virginia for a Party
Christop asked for quotes in Greensboro, North Carolina for a Music Festival
Aristeo asked for quotes in Laredo, Texas for a Commercial Event: City Festival or City Sponsored Event
Joy asked for quotes in Dorchester, Massachusetts for a Private Event: Church Event
Mateen asked for quotes in fNRCpCjz for a Commercial Event: Corporate Event
Dennis asked for quotes in Beaufort, SC for a Commercial Event: Fundraiser or non profit
Quan asked for quotes in new york for a Private Event: Fundraiser
Carl asked for quotes in Arlington, Texas for a Commercial Event: Corporate Event
Marios asked for quotes in Nashville TN for a Commercial Event: Corporate Event
Michael asked for quotes in Brentwood, TN for a Private Event: Fundraiser
sean asked for quotes in san diego, ca for a Commercial Event: Corporate Event
Randall asked for quotes in Tyler, Tx for a Commercial Event: NOT LISTED ABOVE
Emerson asked for quotes in chelan, wa for a Commercial Event: Nightclub or similar
Richard asked for quotes in Redding, CA for a Private Event: Fundraiser
Clarence asked for quotes in for a Commercial Event: City Festival or City Sponsored Event
Tony asked for quotes in Tampa for a Private Event: Not listed above: OTHER
James asked for quotes in Cleveland, OH for a Commercial Event: Fundraiser or non profit
Cristin asked for quotes in Huntington Beach, CA for a Commercial Event: Fundraiser or non profit
Yemi asked for quotes in Washington DC for a Commercial Event: Other Event - Commercial not listed above
Howard asked for quotes in Chicago, IL for a Commercial Event: NOT LISTED ABOVE
Dave asked for quotes in salt lake city utah for a Commercial Event: NOT LISTED ABOVE
Christian asked for quotes in Hartford for a Commercial Event: NOT LISTED ABOVE
Bruce asked for quotes in Tucson, AZ for a Private Event: Other Event Social not listed above

Our event planning websites average over 4 million hits a month helping people find what they need quickly.

Our Mission Statement
For over 30 years, our mission has been to provide a "One Source For All Your Event Planning Needs" type of resource connecting clients to almost anything they need in the events and hospitality industry, with a focus on minority-owned, women-owned, mom & pop and other small businesses.